Date and Time:
Monday, 10 June 2024
10:30 AM – 11:30 AM

£7 per session, pay as you go

Village Drill Hall, Brook Road, Cheadle, SK8 1PQ

Submitted by:
Love Tai Chi

Event Description

Experience the ancient art of Tai Chi in the heart of Cheadle. Love Tai Chi invites you to join a special session on Monday, 10 June 2024, from 10:30 AM to 11:30 AM at the Village Drill Hall. This class, tailored for the over 50s but open to all, offers an hour of mindful movement and relaxation.

What is Tai Chi?

Tai Chi is a traditional Chinese exercise that is both gentle and effective. Often seen in parks and open spaces across China, it is recognizable by its slow, flowing movements. These graceful motions are combined with conscious relaxation and deep breathing, giving Tai Chi its meditative quality. The practice requires no special equipment and minimal space, making it accessible to everyone.

Benefits of Tai Chi

Tai Chi is more than just an exercise; it’s a holistic approach to improving physical and mental well-being. Here are some of the key benefits:

  • Enhanced Body Condition: Regular practice helps improve overall body condition, including flexibility and balance.
  • Increased Suppleness: The slow, deliberate movements enhance joint mobility and muscle suppleness.
  • Strength Building: Despite its gentle appearance, Tai Chi is effective in building strength and endurance.
  • Meditative Aspect: The combination of movement with deep breathing promotes mental relaxation and stress reduction.

Friendly and Inclusive Atmosphere

The upcoming session at Village Drill Hall is designed to be welcoming and inclusive. While it is aimed at the over 50s, everyone is welcome to join. The spacious venue in the centre of Cheadle provides a comfortable setting for participants to enjoy their practice.

How to Join

The class operates on a pay-as-you-go basis, with each session costing just £7. This flexibility allows you to join sessions that fit your schedule without any long-term commitment.

For more information or to book your spot:

Why Attend?

Joining this Tai Chi session offers numerous benefits beyond physical exercise:

  • Community Feel: Engage with like-minded individuals in a friendly community setting.
  • Expert Guidance: Receive instruction from experienced practitioners who can tailor movements to your fitness level.
  • Health Improvement: Enjoy a form of exercise that enhances both physical health and mental well-being.
  • Convenient Location: The Village Drill Hall is centrally located in Cheadle, making it easily accessible.

Don’t miss this opportunity to enrich your life through the practice of Tai Chi. Whether you’re looking to improve your physical fitness or seeking a moment of calm in your busy day, this session offers something for everyone.

Mark your calendars for Monday, 10 June 2024, and join Love Tai Chi for an hour of serenity and movement at Village Drill Hall. We look forward to welcoming you!

Stephen F is the publisher of this website, he is a long term resident of Stockport. Over the years he has explored every area within Stockport from the Merseyway Shopping Centre to the Etherow Country Park trails.

He can often be found on a lazy Saturday morning frequenting one of Stockport's many coffee shops sipping his favourite latte.
One of his big passions is to go for long country walks with his pet golden retriever Lottie.

One thing is certain he knows Stockport!