With an estimated 2.7 million thefts occurring in England and Wales in 2023, according to the Office for National Statistics, securing your home and its contents has never been more critical. You might wonder, how can I safeguard my home against break-ins? Fortunately, there are several straightforward measures you can take to deter burglars and make your property less of a target.

Dealing with the aftermath of a burglary can be both distressing and time-consuming, so it’s wise to make your home as secure as possible to prevent such incidents from happening in the first place. Here are some practical home security tips to help keep your Stockport home safe.

1. Secure Your Windows

Just like doors, windows should be securely locked when you’re not at home. Insurers often specify the types of window locks needed for coverage. Avoid leaving windows open at night during warmer months, and regularly check for rusty locks or rotten frames that could make forced entry easier.

2. Enhance Outbuilding and Shed Security

Outbuildings like sheds can contain valuable items and tools that burglars could use to break into your main house. Ensure these structures have secure locks and regularly check their condition to prevent easy access.

3. Set Up Smart Lighting

Burglars prefer operating in darkness to stay discreet. Motion sensor lights can alert you or neighbors to movement near your home, potentially scaring off intruders. Automated low-energy lighting that turns on at intervals can create the illusion that someone is home even when you’re away.

4. Hide Your Valuables

Keep valuables such as jewellery, tablets, and other gadgets out of sight to deter opportunistic thieves. Investing in a safe can provide additional security for these items. It’s also wise to hide car keys, as many burglars break into homes solely to steal cars.

5. Install a Reliable Alarm System

If you’re serious about security, consider installing an alarm system. It adds another layer of security to your home and can even reduce your home insurance premiums. Make sure to activate the alarm whenever you leave the house and before bed. Setting reminders on your phone or leaving notes by the door can help form this habit.

6. Secure Your Keys Effectively

Avoid common hiding places for spare keys such as under doormats or plant pots—burglars know these spots well. Never leave keys in the inside of doors as they can be fished out through the letterbox. Keeping keys out of sight is crucial since some insurers won’t pay out claims without signs of forced entry.

7. Regularly Update Locks

Installing certain approved lock types can reduce your home insurance premium because they are more effective at preventing burglars from gaining entry. Burglars often become familiar with certain locks, so having modern, professionally fitted locks is crucial. A qualified locksmith from the Master Locksmith Association can help you choose and install suitable locks.

8. Avoid DIY Security Solutions

When installing security measures or working on projects like doors and windows, it’s best to leave it to professionals unless you’re confident in your skills. Poor DIY work may not be covered by insurance policies, increasing risk further.

9. Conduct Routine Security Checks

Regular maintenance is key to ensuring that all security measures are functioning properly. Test alarms, smart lighting, and locks periodically, ideally performing an annual comprehensive check-up which includes smoke alarms and carbon monoxide detectors.

10. Be Discreet When Away from Home

Homes are more vulnerable when occupants are away. Cancel any deliveries like milk or newspapers that might accumulate outside your door, and have a trusted friend or neighbor check on your house and collect any mail. Avoid advertising your absence on social media to prevent burglars from knowing you’re away.

Along with following these home security tips, don’t forget the importance of valid home insurance for peace of mind. Depending on your circumstances, buildings insurance, contents insurance, or both may be beneficial.

If you already have home insurance, remember it’s important to regularly check your policy—especially after making significant purchases or changes to your home.

Ready to boost your home security? Start implementing these tips today and consult professional services where needed for a safer living environment in Stockport!

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Stephen F is the publisher of this website, he is a long term resident of Stockport. Over the years he has explored every area within Stockport from the Merseyway Shopping Centre to the Etherow Country Park trails.

He can often be found on a lazy Saturday morning frequenting one of Stockport's many coffee shops sipping his favourite latte.
One of his big passions is to go for long country walks with his pet golden retriever Lottie.

One thing is certain he knows Stockport!