I’ve always been a fan of a good stroll, and the Midshires Way walking route in Stockport is one of my favourites. It’s a trail that’s packed with history, stunning views, and plenty of opportunities for a hearty pub lunch.

The route stretches for an impressive 230 miles, but don’t let that put you off. It’s easy to pick and choose sections to suit your energy levels. One of the best parts? It’s right on my doorstep in Stockport, which makes it an ideal choice for a day out.

Overview of Midshires Way Walking Route

My love for the Midshires Way walking route sparks from its incredible versatility. It stretches a vast 230 miles cutting across several counties in the heartlands of England. Yet despite the challenge it poses, anyone can tailor their trek along this path to suit their energy reserves and interest.

One of the gems of the walking world, the Midshires Way is steeped in history. As I wander the route, I can’t help but think of the countless individuals who’ve tread on these paths before me. Walking within the furrows carved by ancient Romans, tracing paths that helped usher England into the industrial age, you’re literally stepping into history! Not to mention the lush vistas that accompany you – rippling fields, age-old hedgerows, picturesque villages and the meandering canals – all setting up a beautiful foreground for the rolling hills beyond.

Aspect Details
Total Length 230 Miles
Terrain Fields, Hedgerows, Villages, Canals

As someone who enjoys a good meal, I can’t forget to mention the plenitude of pubs dotting the route. There’s nothing quite like relaxing in a traditional English pub post a brisk walk. I particularly enjoy those that serve a hearty lunch – those always hit the sweet spot.

Now for those of you wondering about the accessibility, let’s get into that. Isn’t it fantastic when the perfect weekend getaway is just on your doorstep? The ease of reaching the Midshires Way from Stockport – it’s practically a local attraction – makes it even more appealing!

Aspect Details
Nearby Attraction Stockport
Best For Weekend Getaways

Historical Significance of the Trail

Wandering along Midshires Way, it’s hard to believe that the tranquillity of the area masks a bustling industrial past. Thousands of years before it became a walker’s paradise, the trail wore different shoes. Perhaps Roman sandals or the clunky boots of an industrial worker. The past of Midshires Way is a story written by diverse characters with each historical period leaving a different footprint on the trail.

The Romans, who seldom shied away from a construction challenge, first carved out some of what we now know as Midshires Way. The Romans used their famous precision and engineering prowess to blaze a trail across the English countryside. These same paths trodden by Roman centurions have been happily re-routed and maintained as the backbone of today’s Midshires Way.

Then came the industrial age. It brushed a darker palette on the canvas of our trail’s biography. Most notably, this is when the mining sites that are such a common sight along the trail, began to take form. I cannot help but marvel at how seamlessly these remnants from a smoke-filled era have blended into the picturesque landscapes we can’t get enough of today.

The denser forests found on the trail in Leicestershire can be attributed to the 18th-century Enclosure Acts. Farmers had to plant trees in exchange for rights to adjacent pastures. As a result, today’s walkers get to enjoy the diverse flora lining this section of the trail that epitomises the phrase “every cloud has a silver lining”.

Midshires Way is a 230-mile march through time. An opportunity to step back from the modern world and appreciate a different pace of life. And while I’ve already given you a hint of the history that’s made Midshires Way what it is today. I bet you’re curious to get an even deeper understanding of the trail. You may be surprised to learn there are many stories left to uncover as you lace up your boots and head out for your walk.

Stunning Views Along the Route

As you journey along the Midshires Way, you’ll find that it’s not only a historical voyage but a diverse and refreshing visual odyssey as well. After all, there’s an undeniable charm in disconnecting from our incessantly buzzing world and reconnecting with Nature itself. That’s something I have discovered myself while exploring this incredible 230-mile hiking trail.

From the heart of Stockport’s bustling city life, the route ascends into the Tranquil Peaks. The Peaks are a sight to behold: an ocean of green sheathed hills stretching as far as the eye can see. Then there are the shorter but no less impressive climbs. Each rise feels like a small victory, rewarding you with different perspectives of the stunning panorama that paints the British countryside.

Let’s not forget about the tranquil, hidden gems scattered along the route. You’ll encounter calm, prized pockets of woodland. Their leafy canopies create a flickering tapestry of light and shadows on your path, leaving a mystical quality to your journey. Walking through these serene woodland patches, you’ll likely spot a bunch of wildlife, from chirping birds to the occasional still deer.

The variety of wildlife along the route doesn’t end there. From Monyash through to Leicestershire, the landscapes are dotted with grazing sheep and cattle, living testament to the agricultural heritage of this area.

And when it comes to remarkable landscapes, the industrial age’s remnants, like old mining sites, add a paradoxically beautiful hue to the route. They’ve metamorphosed into a part of the picturesque countryside, their once austere faces now softened with years.

But perhaps the most arresting sight is the famed Leicestershire woodland patch, a lush verdant canvas made possible by the 18th-century Enclosure Acts. This dense forest teems with life, each trail unfolding another facet of its myriad charms.

In a nutshell, every stride on the Midshires Way is a feast for your senses. The views range from the striking to the subtly beautiful, from expansive landscapes to intimate encounters with Mother Nature. Every corner turned, every hill climbed, unravels another chapter of Britain’s rich past and present. And as we move forward onto other sections of the route, there are many more untold stories waiting to be discovered. But more on that later.

Best Places for a Pub Lunch

When you’re out exploring the wonders of Midshires Way, there’s nothing like a hearty pub lunch to replenish your energy. Especially in a place like Stockport, where the pub culture is as rich as its history.

My favourite stop has to be The Plough Inn. Located in the heart of the Peaks District, this 16th-century pub offers mouth-watering food and refreshing ale. The Plough Inn has a traditional British menu. Their famous Sunday roast alongside the warmth of the open fireplace is enough to melt any hiker’s heart.

As you continue the journey on the trail, another treasure awaits in the pristine woodland of Leicestershire. The Woodman’s Stump offers a tranquil setting away from the hustle and bustle. Drenched in history, this woodland pub has its unique menu. Their famous wild rabbit pie is not to be missed. It’s a testament to the local culinary heritage.

Towards the end of the trail, close to the remnants of the old mining sites, is The Miner’s Arms. Don’t let the rustic exterior fool you. Internally, it’s newly refurbished with modern comfort in mind. With the panoramic view of rolling hills, The Miner’s Arms has proven a favourite among walkers. Their gourmet sandwiches, locally sourced and prepared with love, add a dash of luxury to the rustic setting.

You can’t talk about Midshires Way without mentioning the inviting pubs along the way. Each pub not only offers great food and a comforting embrace but also forms an integral part of your journey’s story. With each stop, you delve further into the history and culture of the place, making your walk an unforgettable experience.

Best Pub Lunch Stops Must-Try Dishes
The Plough Inn Sunday Roast
The Woodman’s Stump Wild Rabbit Pie
The Miner’s Arms Gourmet Sandwiches

So, arm yourself with a good pair of hiking boots and a hearty appetite. The Midshires Way trail is not just a walk through history. It’s also a culinary journey that teaches you the essence of British pub culture. Make sure to soak it all in and savour every morsel, for with every step you take, there’s something new and delightfully surprising awaiting you around the bend.

Customising Your Walk on the Midshires Way

The beauty of the Midshires Way lies in its ability to offer flexibility. As a walker, it’s important to make the route your own. Whether you’re a history enthusiast, a food lover, a nature buff or a pub enthusiast, there’s always a way to highlight what you love about walking in this part of the country.

If you are a history buff, you’d want to adjust your route to spend more time exploring the old mining sites near The Miner’s Arms. With their rusty charm, these sites weave a tale that goes back centuries – offering intriguing peeks into the area’s history.

For food lovers, arrange your walk so that you arrive at The Plough Inn or The Woodman’s Stump around mealtimes – say lunch or dinner. These pubs have mastered some British classics – be it the Sunday roast, wild rabbit pie, or gourmet sandwiches. If it is The Woodman’s Stump, do not miss out on their unique dishes that embody the local flavour. Be it for refuelling, or simply relishing the traditional pub culture – these spots are not to be missed. Remember to plan ahead and check their serving times!

For nature enthusiasts, there are stretches of the trail that take you through dense forests, vibrant meadows and along tranquil streams. You’ll encounter plenty of opportunities to spot native flora and fauna. I have personally enjoyed the chirping of birds, the rustle of leaves and occasional sightings of foxes and deers.

Try and mix it up. You could combine history with culinary treats or blend nature-watching with some pub time. As you will more than likely be walking for several hours, I’d suggest taking a break every couple of hours. You’ll find numerous picnic spots dotted along the route. Carry snacks and a water bottle, but be sure to leave no trace behind.

Above all, remember to enjoy the walk at your own pace. Be it a brisk march or a leisurely stroll; soak in the scenic beauty, immerse yourself in the area’s history, and taste the local flavours along the way.


I’ve had a blast sharing my journey down the Midshires Way with you. It’s a trail that truly caters to all. Whether you’re a history buff, a foodie, or a nature lover, there’s something here for you. The beauty of this trail is that it’s yours to tailor. You can mix and match activities, pause at cosy picnic spots, or simply soak in the sights at your own leisure. It’s more than just a walk. It’s a chance to explore the rich history, diverse landscapes, and local flavours of Stockport. So lace up those walking boots, gather your gear, and set out to create your own Midshires Way experience. I guarantee, you won’t be disappointed!

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Stephen F is the publisher of this website, he is a long term resident of Stockport. Over the years he has explored every area within Stockport from the Merseyway Shopping Centre to the Etherow Country Park trails.

He can often be found on a lazy Saturday morning frequenting one of Stockport's many coffee shops sipping his favourite latte.
One of his big passions is to go for long country walks with his pet golden retriever Lottie.

One thing is certain he knows Stockport!