There’s something undeniably comforting about a hearty carvery, especially on those grey, drizzly days that Stockport knows all too well. It’s the promise of succulent meats, towering Yorkshire puddings, and an array of sides that gets me every time. And let’s not forget the rivers of gravy!

I’ve been on a bit of a mission lately, searching high and low for the best carveries our town has to offer. It’s a tough job, but someone’s got to do it, right? From cosy pubs to more upscale dining spots, I’ve carved my way through Stockport to bring you the cream of the crop.

Puss In Boots Stockport Carvery

Continuing my quest for the best carveries around Stockport, I couldn’t overlook the famed Puss In Boots. Nestled on a quaint corner, this establishment boasts a reputation that had me instantly intrigued. Having heard tales of its generously laden plates and welcoming atmosphere, I knew it was a must-visit.

Upon entering, I was greeted by a warm ambiance that seemed to whisper tales of countless satisfied appetites. The air was filled with the aromas of roasted meats and freshly baked Yorkshire puddings – a siren call for any carvery aficionado. The staff, who were as friendly as they were efficient, quickly ushered me to a cosy spot where I could take in the full experience.

The Puss In Boots stands out for many reasons, but its carvery spread is undoubtedly the star. Here, you won’t just find the traditional options of beef, turkey, and ham. They also offer a succulent lamb on certain days of the week, adding a welcome variety to the usual lineup. Each meat is cooked to perfection, offering a taste that’s both rich and deeply satisfying.

But what’s a great carvery without the sides to match? Their selection did not disappoint. From the crispy roast potatoes to a colourful array of vegetables, each component was a testament to the care put into their meals. And I haven’t even mentioned the Yorkshire puddings yet – they were nothing short of majestic. Towering, fluffy, and with just the right amount of crunch, they were the perfect vessel for the rivers of gravies on offer.

Speaking of gravy, at Puss In Boots, there’s no holding back. I was particularly taken by their onion gravy, which had a depth of flavour I’ve rarely encountered elsewhere. It complemented every element on the plate, elevating the meal from simply satisfying to memorable.

My visit wasn’t just about the food, though. The convivial atmosphere, accentuated by the buzz of happy diners and the attentive service, made me feel right at home. It’s clear the Puss In Boots isn’t just serving meals; they’re crafting experiences. Whether you’re a local or a visitor passing through Stockport, this carvery is a beacon for those seeking comfort food in a comfortable setting.

Three Bears, Hazel Grove

Stepping into Three Bears in Hazel Grove, I couldn’t help but be enamoured by its rustic charm and the warmth that greeted me. It’s a place that immediately feels like home, with its cozy ambience and a fireplace that invites you to settle in for what promises to be a memorable meal.

What sets Three Bears apart for me is not just the quality of the carvery they serve but the sheer dedication to offering a homely experience. Their meats, succulent and juicy, rotate daily, ensuring that each visit offers something a bit different. From tender beef to moist turkey, every slice is a testament to the care and preparation that goes into their dishes.

The sides are just as much of a highlight. The roast potatoes are perfectly crispy on the outside and fluffy on the inside, a rare achievement that many establishments strive for but few attain. Their array of vegetables, from honey-glazed parsnips to steamed carrots, are always fresh, adding vibrant colours and flavours to the plate.

Perhaps what I appreciate most is their commitment to accommodating various dietary needs. Vegetarian options are plentiful and thoughtfully prepared, ensuring that everyone at the table can enjoy a hearty meal. It’s this inclusive approach that makes Three Bears stand out in my journey to explore the best carveries around Stockport.

The service at Three Bears is nothing short of excellent. Staff members are friendly, attentive, and genuinely seem to take pride in their work. They’re always on hand to recommend the perfect sides to complement your choice of meat or to offer insights into the day’s specials.

To top it off, the pricing at Three Bears is incredibly reasonable, especially considering the quality of the food and the overall experience. Here’s a quick rundown:

Item Price (£)
Adult Carvery 9.95
Child Carvery 4.95
Vegetarian Option 8.95

Toby Carvery Macclesfield

Venturing further in my quest to uncover the best carveries around Stockport, I found myself at Toby Carvery Macclesfield. This spot is a bit of a local legend, renowned for serving up traditional British fare with a level of consistency that’s hard to come by these days. Upon arrival, the first thing that struck me was the warm and inviting atmosphere. It’s the sort of place that feels like a second home from the moment you step inside.

Toby Carvery Macclesfield prides itself on its “all you can eat” roast dinners, and rightfully so. The selection of meats is impressive, featuring roast turkey, British beef, gammon, and pork shoulders. Each meat is slow-roasted to achieve that perfect blend of tenderness and flavour. What’s more, the carvery boasts an array of freshly prepared sides. The Yorkshire puddings are a must-try—they’re fluffy, golden, and just the right size to complement your plate. And let’s not forget the plethora of vegetables on offer. From honey-glazed parsnips to seasoned carrots and crunchy green beans, each dish is cooked to perfection, ensuring that you’re getting a balanced and satisfying meal.

But it’s not just about the food at Toby Carvery Macclesfield; it’s about the whole dining experience. The staff here go above and beyond to make sure you’re well taken care of. Whether it’s offering recommendations on the best meat cuts or refilling your drink without you having to ask, their attention to detail is commendable.

Here’s a quick glance at some of the highlights:

Feature Description
Atmosphere Warm and inviting
Selection Wide range of meats and sides
Speciality All you can eat roast dinners
Must-try Yorkshire puddings and honey-glazed parsnips
Staff Friendly and attentive

Key Takeaways

  • Puss In Boots stands out for its variety in meats, including a special lamb option, complemented by an array of sides and majestic Yorkshire puddings, all enhanced by their uniquely flavorful onion gravy. The homely atmosphere and attentive service significantly contribute to a memorable dining experience.
  • Three Bears in Hazel Grove captivates with its rustic charm and commitment to homeliness, offering juicy, daily rotated meats and perfectly crispy roast potatoes among other fresh sides. They excel in accommodating various dietary needs with plentiful vegetarian options, underpinned by excellent, prideful service.
  • Toby Carvery Macclesfield is celebrated for its traditional British fare, presenting an “all you can eat” option with a wide selection of slow-roasted meats and impeccably prepared sides, including must-try Yorkshire puddings and honey-glazed parsnips. The warm atmosphere and detailed attention from the staff round off the hearty dining experience.
  • Across all establishments, the quality of food, variety of options, and attention to dietary needs are consistent themes. Prices are generally reasonable, reflecting the quality of the overall dining experience, and the atmosphere of each venue greatly enhances the enjoyment of the meal.
  • The commitment to quality and customer satisfaction is evident in the carefully prepared dishes, thoughtful service, and welcoming environments, making these carveries some of the best in and around Stockport for both locals and visitors alike.

Stephen F is the publisher of this website, he is a long term resident of Stockport. Over the years he has explored every area within Stockport from the Merseyway Shopping Centre to the Etherow Country Park trails.

He can often be found on a lazy Saturday morning frequenting one of Stockport's many coffee shops sipping his favourite latte.
One of his big passions is to go for long country walks with his pet golden retriever Lottie.

One thing is certain he knows Stockport!